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SFB publications and journals

„Reflexionen des Heroischen“

In the third and final funding period of the CRC 948, the heroic is understood not only as an object of investigation, but also as an analytical category of a transdisciplinary cultural and social analysis. The results of this scientific approach of the Collaborative Research Centre to larger historical and cultural research fields are presented by the synthesis sub-projects S1 – S4 in four collaboratively written monographs.

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E-Journal helden. heroes. héros.

The aim of the e-journal helden. heroes. héros. E-Journal on Cultures of the Heroic is to publicize the work of the CRC 948 and explore content related to its topic of focus. It allows for discussions on topics that pertain to the meaning of the heroic both in the past and the present, i.e., topics that are closely connected to the research fields of the CRC 948. This e-journal constitutes an important means by which we meet the challenges that a scholarly perspective of the heroic presents: we regard it as an easily accessible forum accepting contributions not only from the CRC but also from elsewhere. In this forum themes and concepts from different disciplines, cultures, media and eras can be compared and connections between them made discernible. helden. heroes. héros. publishes primarily articles, literature reviews and reports arranged thematically. Contributions unrelated to these foci are also included. In addition, special thematic issues are published on occasion. To ensure a high quality of the contributions we publish, they are selected following an anonymous peer review process.

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Series „Helden – Heroisierungen – Heroismen“

In the series "Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen" the CRC 948 makes its research findings available to the greater public. Monographs and edited volumes, which primarily emerge from conferences and lecture series, help to answer the questions that sustain the research activities of the CRC 948: How can the heroic be described from a longue-durée perspective and how can the theory behind it be understood as a medial and social phenomenon in concrete historical and cultural situations?


Series „Figurationen des Heroischen“

The monographic essays in the series "Figurationen des Heroischen" illuminate concisely and understandably important and typical social and medial constellations in which heroizations, heroisms and heroic figures emerge and are meaningful.
